legitim ≠ legal, 2023

The photo documentary project 'legitim ≠ legal' explores the act of rescuing discarded food. It showcases various backyards of different food stores as well as individuals engaged in salvaging discarded food, portraying their efforts.

In Germany, taking good food from dumpsters is currently illegal under § 242, whereas discarding it is legal. Those who dumpster dive partly rely on it financially and believe that despite potential punishment, rescuing food is the right thing to do. Beyond salvaging the actual food, many aim to critique the systemic issue of undervaluing and wasting food and other consumer goods. The current life of excess operates at the expense of nature, the planet, and other people, where dumpster diving can be seen as a practical solution.

'legitim ≠ legal' urges action for a sustainable change against a throwaway society.

This Work arose in the course “Work, Work, Work” with Prof. Adrian Sauer.